Monday, April 4, 2011

Food Surprise

Jeff is in Paris today to continue our apartment search. Because the Marriott has so much to offer for the kids, I decided that I wanted to stay here and enjoy all the amenities of the resort. We had a great day, and one of the highlights was dropping the 3 older girls off at the Kids Playzone while I went on a walk with Eva. Before I knew it, it was dinnertime and I needed to feed my hungry bunch. The last thing I wanted to eat was more pizza. The pizza is divine here, but I just was craving veggies or something healthy. I knew I needed to think of something fast, so I went to the small market located here in the Marriott. They have a small selection of food so I picked up a few items...bananas, bread, milk, yogurt, etc. Then I stopped at a small section of freezer foods. I saw a bag with what looked like mixed vegetables, meats (chicken), and rice. On the bag it said "Aux Fruits de Mer, Poisson et Poulet." Well, from my Rosetta Stone lessons I knew that poisson was fish and poulet was chicken. I’m not a fan of fish but how bad could it be, right?? I also saw on the bag that I just needed to cook it on the stove for 10-12 minutes. Perfect! A meal in a jiffy! We all sat down at the table and of course I got the “What is this?? I don’t really like fish.” I said "Oh, it will be fine girls. We're in another country and we need to branch out and try other foods. Besides, I don’t love fish either and I’m going to try it. Oh, and look, I see some chicken! Yumm Yumm… Don’t think about it and just shovel it in."

So we all started eating, and in unison we all stopped eating pretty fast. I usually don’t have any patience when it comes to my kids complaining about their food, but for once I was on board with them. Livia then said “Mom, is this chicken or fish? Because I don't think what I just ate was chicken." As I looked closer I seriously felt like I was staring at fish guts and a fish heart. I started to get a bit queasy, so I decided to translate some of the words off the bag on Google. What did I come up with you ask?? The normal chicken, rice, fish... and then I googled "extraits de poisson" which translated to fish extracts. AHHH! GROSS!!! We're done here. I couldn't bring myself to tell the girls what they just ate, but I quickly gathered up their plates and told them we were done with dinner. You should have seen the looks on their faces.

So what did we eat for dinner? Toast, bananas and yogurt. I think I’ll go to bed early with a tummy ache.


Heather's Blog said...

Oh wow! That is disgusting. Well, bravo on trying new things. I'm excited for your new adventure. I'm sure you'll love it. I'm jealous. I was going to go visit you in Austin...maybe we'll have to visit in Paris. :)

karlin said...

ha! i love the adventure! you are creating memories you'll never forget!

Lori Orr said...


Jennifer said...

Hey Christa! So excited that you are blogging your adventure. It has ALWAYS been my dream to move over to Europe for a summer/summers...Maybe if I learn a few things from you I can convince Mitch of this plan!!! Jenn

Kellie said...


So happy to find your blog on facebook so we can be a part of all of your excitement. Wish I would have found this blog a bit sooner...

Today we went to Tracy Graff's b-day part. Katelin said, "I hope she didn't invite the Harbachs. They're out of town." Then she sighed. She talks about you more than when you were here. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder. Happy Travels.